Specific details and identifying information has been changed in order to protect the confidentiality of the settlement agreement. What seemed to be minor injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident turned into much more for our 45-year-old client Mr. G, who … Continue reading

Motorcyclists are reckless and don’t ride safely. We hear that a lot and in most cases, it’s just not true. Motorcyclists are constantly at risk from the environment and drivers around them. The reality is that the road is a … Continue reading

With the temperature (finally) dipping below 100 degrees in Phoenix, it’s prime riding season here in Arizona. And while we know that bumper stickers that say, “Start Seeing Motorcycles” and “Look Twice, Save a Life” are designed to remind car … Continue reading

What you can do if you’re involved in one Semi-truck accidents happen all the time. A study conducted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) found that 73% of large truck accidents involve another vehicle. [Source] The vehicles involved … Continue reading

Specific details and identifying information has been changed in order to protect the confidentiality of the settlement agreement. Our client Ms. M was out shopping on Saturday afternoon at a major chain grocery store when she slipped and fell in … Continue reading

You’re driving your car, obeying the rules of the road. You don’t see it happening. All of a sudden a Phoenix city bus hits you. Now what? City bus accidents are not like auto accidents When you have an auto … Continue reading

Your children leave for the bus stop and you think they’re in good hands. Sadly that’s not always the case. Bus drivers understand they’re carrying precious cargo and do their best to drive safely but accidents can happen. One distracted … Continue reading

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death among Americans, right after heart disease and cancer. If you’ve lost someone you love while in medical care, it may have … Continue reading

Many of us have been in the situation where we’ve been behind the wheel after a long day and start to feel driver fatigue setting in. While this situation can be dangerous no matter what vehicle you’re driving, most of … Continue reading

You’ve just gotten back from the dealership after buying a brand new bike. You’re feeling exhilarated, invincible. You’ve even been responsible and paid your insurance premiums and purchased protective gear before hitting the road. You’re covered and ready to ride. … Continue reading