Accidents involving heavy commercial trucks and passenger vehicles can be catastrophic, especially for anyone in the smaller vehicle. These accidents often result in severe injuries, costly medical bills, lost income, pain, suffering, and other financial and emotional consequences.

If you’re dealing with injuries after getting hit by a semi-truck, you may be entitled to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. Our experienced Phoenix truck accident lawyers can help you navigate the legal intricacies of commercial truck accidents and seek the maximum compensation you deserve.

Contact Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer today to learn more in a free initial consultation.

Why Are Truck Accident Claims So Complex?

Truck accidents frequently involve several factors that make them more complicated than accidents between passenger vehicles. For starters, because of the size and weight of commercial trucks, injuries from truck accidents are likely to be more severe, require more expensive medical treatment, and have more far-reaching consequences, including permanent disabilities and impairments. 

Commercial truck accident claims in Arizona are also more complex because of the number of parties that may be involved. The trucking industry includes multiple individuals and entities who could be liable for a truck accident. While the truck driver and trucking company that employs the trucker are often liable, the individuals and companies responsible for manufacturing, maintaining, repairing, and loading the truck may also share fault, depending on the nature of the accident.

Trucking companies must follow strict federal and state regulations and keep highly detailed records, which means more evidence for a semi-truck accident lawyer to gather and evaluate.

Federal Laws Governing Commercial Trucks

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates commercial trucking operations to protect the public’s safety and ensure fair competition between businesses. Federal trucking regulations include:

  • Hours of service (HOS) for truck drivers
  • Commercial driver’s license requirements
  • Drug and alcohol testing for drivers
  • Vehicle safety inspections
  • Liability insurance coverage for trucking companies
  • Use of electronic logging devices
  • Environmental and fuel efficiency standards

Our truck accident lawyer can review the evidence about the collision to determine whether any party failed in its duty to abide by FMCSA regulations. Whether a truck driver or trucking company violated these rules could be crucial in determining liability for your injuries and other losses from the crash.

Which Parties Could Be Liable for a Truck Accident in Phoenix?

Identifying the liable party in most car accidents is relatively straightforward — it’s generally one of the drivers involved in the collision. Determining liability for commercial truck accidents can be more complicated because multiple parties may have contributed to the crash.

A few examples of parties that may be liable for a truck accident include: 

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company that employs the driver
  • The owner of the truck and trailer (which may be different from the trucking company)
  • The company that loaded the truck’s cargo
  • The mechanics or shop responsible for maintaining and repairing the truck
  • The manufacturer of the truck or one of its parts 

Role of Evidence in Truck Accident Cases 

The volume of available evidence in Phoenix truck accident cases often far exceeds the evidence in regular car accidents, making truck crash cases more complex. Evidence is crucial in determining who is liable for a truck accident and what types of compensation are available.

A few examples of evidence truck accident lawyers often use to prove fault include: 

  • The truck’s black box data 
  • The truck driver’s HOS logs
  • The driver’s employment records
  • Results of drug or alcohol testing 
  • Truck inspection, maintenance, and repair records
  • Records of the cargo the truck was carrying
  • Witness statements 
  • Testimony from accident reconstruction experts
  • Photos of the accident scene
  • Videos from traffic and dashboard cameras
  • Videos from surveillance cameras 
  • Medical records and doctor’s notes
  • Information from police accident reports

Navigating Insurance Claims and Settlements

What is the average settlement for a semi-truck accident in Arizona? Settlement amounts vary considerably and depend on factors such as the extent of a person’s injuries, the likelihood of a complete physical recovery, the nature and extent of other losses, whether multiple parties suffered injuries, and whether multiple parties share fault. The amount of insurance coverage available can also play a role.

Truck accident cases are highly complex. Thus, you are likely to recover more compensation with the help of an experienced truck accident attorney. Our knowledgeable Phoenix truck accident lawyer is familiar with trucking and insurance companies’ tactics to deny liability and avoid paying victims what they deserve. Our attorney can fight against the insurers and build solid claims proving your right to compensation. 

The Importance of Legal Representation

How long does an 18-wheeler lawsuit take? The duration of truck accident cases varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the crash, whether the responsible parties accept liability, and the extent of losses. A significant factor is whether the parties can reach a settlement at the negotiating table or must go to court. A truck accident case can be resolved in a matter of a few weeks or months, or it could take months or years if a trial becomes necessary.

With a proven track record of fighting for truck accident injury victims, the legal team at Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer knows how to use the available evidence to build a solid case, negotiate with the insurance company from a position of strength, and, if necessary, fight for justice in court. 

Hiring an attorney for your truck accident case can significantly increase the chances of reaching a swift and fair resolution. Our attorney stands ready to fight for the maximum compensation you deserve – even if that means pursuing a lawsuit in court.

Contact Our Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney to Learn More

If you’ve been hurt in an accident with a commercial truck in Phoenix, you need an experienced truck accident lawyer with a track record of handling complex cases. At Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer, we have a track record of fighting insurance companies for the total compensation accident victims deserve.

Our legal team is dedicated to seeking justice for individuals injured in truck accidents and helping them through a challenging time. You pay nothing unless and until we recover compensation for you. The initial consultation is always free, confidential, and without further obligations.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how a Phoenix truck accident attorney from our firm can help you.