Speed limits exist for a reason. When truck drivers violate them, they put innocent people at risk. If you’ve been hurt in an accident because a truck driver made the negligent decision to speed, Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer can help you demand compensation for what you’ve suffered. You should not have to bear the financial burden of a collision someone else caused – and a speeding truck accident lawyer with our firm can help you demand justice.

Ready to demand the money you need to put your life back together? Contact Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer for a free initial case review to discuss your legal options.

How Many Truck Accidents Are Caused by Speeding?

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) work together to determine the causes of truck accidents in the United States. According to their research, about 415,000 accidents nationwide involved large trucks in one recent year, with approximately 101,000 accidents causing injuries and over 4,000 resulting in fatalities. The study found that about a third of fatal truck accidents involved driver error on the trucker’s part and that speeding was the most common error.

Why Speeding Semi-Trucks Are So Dangerous

Speeding significantly increases the risk of catastrophic truck accidents. Due to their heavy weight, commercial trucks take longer to stop than passenger vehicles. Speeding exacerbates this dynamic. Exceeding the speed limit also makes it more challenging for truck drivers to control their vehicles, especially when driving on slick roads. A speeding semi-truck is at higher risk of a jackknife or rollover accident if the driver loses control of their vehicle.

Speeding can also increase the severity of a crash. The faster a vehicle travels, the more force it imparts in a collision. Greater forces in a truck crash frequently lead to more severe, potentially life-threatening injuries.

Speed Limits and Trucking Regulations in Arizona

Arizona sets specific speed limits for different types of highways. Speed limits on rural interstates in Arizona can reach as high as 75 mph, although speed limits lower to 65 mph on interstates while traveling through more urbanized areas. Other types of limited access highways in Arizona have maximum speed limits of 65 mph. 

Unless a lower speed limit is posted, Arizona law requires large trucks to stay below 65 mph. However, trucks should drive at a speed that is safe for their current conditions.

Identifying Liability in Speeding-Related Truck Accidents

Proving that a speeding truck driver bears liability for a crash may require certain types of evidence, such as:

  • Police accident reports
  • Truck event data recorder (“black box”) logs
  • GPS records
  • Surveillance, traffic camera, or dashcam footage
  • Accident scene photos and videos
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Accident reconstruction expert reports and testimony

Critically, much of this evidence likely remains in the hands of the truck driver or the trucking company, and it might be difficult for you to recover it on your own. A truck accident lawyer can use the force of law to compel these parties to hand over valuable evidence, strengthening your case and helping you pursue full compensation.

Seeking Compensation for Speeding Truck Accident Injuries

Were you hurt in an accident caused by a speeding truck driver? If so, you may have the right to compensation for your:

  • Medical treatment and rehabilitation expenses
  • Costs of long-term care for disabilities
  • Ongoing and future losses of income and job benefits
  • Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Costs of vehicle repairs or reimbursement for the value of your totaled car

The Role of Insurance Companies in Trucking Accidents

In most cases, compensation in a truck accident claim will come from the truck driver’s or trucking company’s insurer. These insurance companies will do everything possible to avoid or minimize financial liability for a trucking accident. An insurance adjuster will investigate the crash, looking for any evidence the insurer can use to deflect or shift blame for the accident onto someone other than the truck driver.

If the evidence clearly shows that the truck driver caused the accident by speeding, the insurance company may offer a settlement to resolve your claim. The insurer’s first offer probably represents a fraction of the total value of your claim. Your truck accident attorney can negotiate with the adjuster to show the strength of your legal case and convince the insurer to agree to a higher settlement amount.

What To Do After a Serious Truck Accident

The steps you take in the aftermath of a serious truck accident can have a critical effect on the outcome of your claim. If possible, you should:

  • Report the accident to law enforcement and your car insurance company. Your auto insurer can confirm whether you have coverage in your policy that can help pay for some of your accident expenses.
  • Follow your doctor’s treatment plan and recovery instructions. Remember to obtain copies of your medical records for treatment and rehab.
  • Keep any bills, invoices, or receipts of expenses you incur, including medical care and vehicle repairs.
  • If you have to take time off work while you recover, gather your pay stubs and tax returns to calculate your lost income.
  • Request a copy of the police accident report if law enforcement officers responded to the crash scene.
  • Contact a semi-truck accident law firm as soon as possible to discuss your legal options for pursuing compensation. The sooner you do, the quicker they can get to work on your case.

Contact Our Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney for Help

If you’ve been hurt in a trucking accident, a semi-truck accident attorney can help you hold the reckless truck driver or their employer accountable for what you’ve suffered. Contact Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can fight for the money you deserve for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and more.