Handling Insurance Disputes After a Car Accident A Comprehensive Guide

Suffering injuries in a car accident can upend your life in an instant. You might experience excruciating pain and overwhelming emotional trauma. Furthermore, your medical bills and your need to take time off work can lead to financial upheaval. If the accident happened due to another party’s negligence, you can file a compensation claim for these losses and more. But what happens when the other party claims you were to blame? What do you do when an insurance dispute threatens to block your path to justice?

While insurance disputes can be frustrating, they are no reason to despair. Working with an experienced Phoenix car insurance lawyer can give you the support and advocacy you need to achieve the maximum compensation you deserve. The team at Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer has made a name for itself fighting for injured Arizonans, and we are ready to help. Call us today or contact us online for a free consultation to learn more about your legal options.

How to Understand What Your Insurance Policy Covers

Before filing your claim, you should carefully review your auto insurance policy to determine what is covered. 

Key areas to understand include: 

  • Liability coverage (car accident injuries and property damage you cause others)
  • Medical payments coverage (covers medical expenses and funeral expenses)
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • Collision (covers damage to your car)
  • Comprehensive (covers damage from other events besides collisions)
  • Rental reimbursement
  • Towing/roadside assistance

An attorney can help interpret unclear policy language concerning car accidents.

Immediate Steps After a Car Accident

The steps that car accident victims take after a crash can transform their path toward recovery and their chances of receiving the compensation they deserve. After being involved in a car crash, be sure to:

  • Notify law enforcement. An officer will respond to the crash and file a police report, which will be critical evidence in your claim.
  • Document the accident. Take photographs and video recordings of the accident scene, capturing all vehicles from every angle. You can also write notes about what occurred during the collision.
  • Collect contact information. Be sure to ask the other driver for their insurance information and any witnesses for a way to reach them.
  • Seek medical attention. Even if you do not think you were hurt, a doctor may be able to detect an injury that has not yet begun to show symptoms. Seeking early treatment can establish a link between the accident and your injuries. Don’t worry about medical bills yet: an attorney can help you determine how to use car insurance, health insurance, or a personal injury settlement to cover healthcare costs.
  • Call an auto accident insurance lawyer. A seasoned attorney can investigate the accident and handle every aspect of your car accident case while you focus on healing.

Filing Your Insurance Claim

To start your claim, promptly contact your insurance company with details of the accident and your injuries. Cooperate as fully as possible by providing all required documents, records, and information. Be sure to get copies of the police report, any medical records, and records of all claim communications. 

When the other driver was at fault, you should file a claim with their insurance company. Give them the accident details, then turn over communications with that company to your lawyer. An attorney can handle the car accident claims process for you and increase your chances of receiving maximum compensation.

When Disputes Arise: Understanding Your Rights

Insurance disputes are common when filing for compensation, even when it seems evident that the other driver was to blame for the crash. Sometimes, this happens because the other party mistakenly believes they were blameless. At other times, the at-fault driver’s insurance company deliberately blames you to avoid paying out a large claim. Either way, the process can become far more frustrating and stressful than it should be, especially when an insurance adjuster claims you have no right to claim what you deserve.

A knowledgeable auto insurance lawyer can help you understand your rights. By consulting with you and conducting a thorough investigation of the accident, your attorney can gather evidence demonstrating that the other driver bears all or most of the blame for the crash. With a dedicated legal professional on your side, you can feel confident in your fight for full and fair compensation.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

It is important to remember that Arizona’s comparative negligence laws allow you to receive compensation for accident-related injuries even if you were partially to blame. However, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if you were 25 percent at fault for the crash, you would only be able to recover 75 percent of the compensation that would otherwise be available to you. Because of this principle, they may try to assign you a large percentage of the blame. 

Furthermore, injured individuals without legal representation often make the mistake of accepting the insurance company’s initial offer before understanding what their car accident claim is worth. This lowball settlement offer is usually far less than you need to cover your losses. You should never accept an offer before consulting a Phoenix car accident lawyer.

The Role of Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers in Insurance Disputes

A seasoned Phoenix personal injury attorney can take several steps to protect your claim during an insurance dispute, including:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation to gather evidence to support your claim
  • Calculating the total value of your losses
  • Consulting with medical experts and accident reconstructionists to demonstrate how the accident occurred, who caused it, and why they are to blame for your injuries
  • Negotiating aggressively with the insurance adjuster
  • Taking the at-fault driver to court if necessary

With solid evidence and deft negotiating skills, an experienced Phoenix car insurance dispute attorney can protect you from unfair outcomes.

Alternative Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Alternatives like mediation or arbitration can resolve disputes outside court if negotiations fail. Mediation can lead to a settlement agreement, while arbitration leads to a binding decision. 

Litigation can also be an option, where a judge or jury decides the outcome at trial, but this process can be lengthy and expensive. Phoenix car accident attorneys can advise you on the most effective resolution strategy.

Contact Our Phoenix Injury Attorney to Learn More

If an insurance dispute disrupts your ability to recover the car accident injury compensation you deserve, you need a skilled attorney to fight for your rights. The experienced team at Silkman Law Firm Injury & Accident Lawyer is here to protect your best interests and hold the at-fault party accountable for their negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help you.