t-bone car accident

Specific details and identifying information has been changed in order to protect the confidentiality of the settlement agreement. What happens when you’re t-boned and can’t afford the medical bills? You call the experienced team at Silkman Law Firm Injury & … Continue reading

Riding a Valley Metro bus is a great way to travel the greater Phoenix area without having to spend money on gas or sit in traffic jams in your own vehicle. Listen to music or podcasts, read a book or … Continue reading

You’ve been involved in a Phoenix motorcycle accident. Now what? The weather is darn near perfect in Phoenix for motorcycle riding. You grab your gear and hop on your bike for a long weekend ride. But… A distracted driver makes … Continue reading

It’s the most wonderful time of year. Or at least that’s how the song goes. You’ve RSVP’d to holiday parties and purchased gifts for the hosts. When you arrived at the party, you slipped going up the steps that lead … Continue reading

The weather in Phoenix has cooled enough for you to dust off your bicycle, fill the tires, and hit the road. That’s what you’re thinking this time of year but drivers aren’t always watching for bicyclists even in the daytime. … Continue reading

For generations big, yellow buses have been carrying children to and from school. Each day you trust them to carry your most precious cargo, your kids. And the truth is that school buses are designed to be a safe mode … Continue reading

Admit it. You’ve driven while talking or texting on your cell phone. We’ve all done it. We just can’t help ourselves. We need to read an email or check social media. We think it won’t hurt anyone because we’re at … Continue reading

Specific details and identifying information has been changed in order to protect the confidentiality of the settlement agreement. What seemed to be minor injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident turned into much more for our 45-year-old client Mr. G, who … Continue reading

Motorcyclists are reckless and don’t ride safely. We hear that a lot and in most cases, it’s just not true. Motorcyclists are constantly at risk from the environment and drivers around them. The reality is that the road is a … Continue reading

With the temperature (finally) dipping below 100 degrees in Phoenix, it’s prime riding season here in Arizona. And while we know that bumper stickers that say, “Start Seeing Motorcycles” and “Look Twice, Save a Life” are designed to remind car … Continue reading